The brand for wooden toys for over 30 years


  • 0 - 12 months
  • 12 - 18 months
  • 18 - 35 months
  • from 3 years
  • from 4 years
  • from 5 years
  • 6 years and older
  • FSC®-certified
  • Spiel gut®
  • Top10 Spielzeug nominated
  • Top10 Baby & Child nominated
  • Sale
  • 0 - 12 months
  • 12 - 18 months
  • 18 - 35 months
  • from 3 years
  • from 4 years
  • from 5 years
  • 6 years and older
  • FSC®-certified
  • Spiel gut®
  • Top10 Spielzeug nominated
  • Top10 Baby & Child nominated
  • Sale

€74.99 €99.99

Balance Bike Pink Hummingbird

from 3 years
Immediately ready to ship

€74.99 €99.99

Balance Bike Blue Paper Airplane

from 3 years
Immediately ready to ship

Outdoor Toys ● Wooden Outdoor Toys from small foot

Outdoor toys - they promise plenty of action and exercise. From classic handcarts and games for the gardens to climbing frames, our assortment for toddlers and school-aged children is comprised of a huge selection of outdoor and exercise toys made of wood that turn the garden or yard at home into a playground of adventure. It's up and away with robust and wind-and-weatherproof swings, and with the balance bikes and trikes, children's first experiences with riding are gathered and the rules of the road are taught. Whether it's jump ropes, Chinese jump rope, stilts, or other similar toys: children need exercise out in the fresh air in order to let off steam. With throwing games, they can train their motor skills, and with gardening tools, it's off to the flowerbed, and with sand toys, they can "bake" yummy sand biscuits. Playing outside lets children be creative and puts them in a really great mood.
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