(Outdoor) Kitchen dreams come true!
Why mud kitchens inspire children's imaginations
Playing outside and letting off steam out in the fresh air is extremely important and essential for children's development, especially when it comes to fantasy-filled experiences and creative playing. By playing and discovering independently, children awaken their desire to investigate and explore nature. When kids spend time outdoors, it doesn't take long until they find things that they can integrate into their playing. It isn't long before the little things they find, such as twigs, stones, or acorns, are collected and repurposed. That's the thing with playing in nature: natural materials don't have a set determinant - they're universal and freely usable. That means that finding and inventing things is at the top of the to-do list! A mud kitchen is great in that regard and can be integrated into this playtime in nature. After all, which materials are better for creative play in a kitchen than sand, gravel, bark, and other similar stuff?