A vacuum for the smallest kids: Baby walker meets role-playing toys!
Come discover the new favourite in the nursery - the small foot Wooden Vacuum which is a real hit as a push-along toy!
Come discover the new favourite in the nursery - the small foot Wooden Vacuum which is a real hit as a push-along toy!
What usually is a boring everyday task for adults is an exciting challenge for children! They think it's neat when Mum and Dad go and get household appliances to finish up all the chores. The big, loud vacuum that makes dust and crumbs disappear like magic makes an especially strong impression on children. With the new small foot Push-Along Vacuum, children can now imitate their parents and vacuum just like the grown-ups. This multifunctional cleaning equipment toy offers young housewives and househusbands everything they would know from real vacuums: a vacuum bag that can be removed and emptied, a floor brush with a step lever, and rubber-finished castors which are suitable for all kinds of floor surfaces. The hook-and-loop pieces that can be "sucked up" just like real dirt with the strips of fleece on the brush roller adds playtime value. With this, this toy appliance doesn't just have role-playing character, but is also a real hit with "real" function-related play possibilities. And here's the best thing: after playtime is over, this toy appliance can be stored upright - right next to Mum & Dad's real vacuum!
Toys which bring joy to children over a longer period of time are particularly popular from the view of environmental sustainability: against overconsumption and for play that's good for multiple age groups with doubled learning effect! This is what makes the small foot vacuum so popular - it's a push-along toy which accompanies younger children on their first steps as a baby walker, while older children can learn social skills during role-play and playfully slipping into the adults' everyday roles.
Many children love when they're able to help their parents with the household chores. With this toy vacuum, they'll be optimally equipped for cleaning day! But playing with vacuums also has a pedagogical function: when children are introduced to household chores and tasks early on, it strengthens their self-esteem and they build a sense of responsibility that will motivate them to contribute to work around the house later. Parents can especially make use of children's curiosity and enthusiasm by allowing them to playfully imitate the adults with household toys. Huge fun is guaranteed! With the proper, child-friendly household appliance toys, young kids can feel like they're one of the grown-ups totally risk-free - and that's a true boost to their creativity and self-confidence!
Why do you like working for small foot?
Because we get to work with the best stuff on earth, and everyone on the team can bring in their own thoughts, ideas, and experiences to each product. A good product can only be made with this kind of diversity.
What's something you particularly like about small foot toys?
We orient ourselves to the actual needs of children and parents - and that's all that matters. In addition, I appreciate the variety - small foot toys are not bound to a particular colour or shape.
Favourite small foot toy and reason why
I have many :-) , but my personal favourite is the Play Kitchen Tea Service (11214). My daughter loves it, and I have the opportunity to have a chat with my daughter in a teatime together about what she's experienced. It's not always a given that children tell you about their day. That's why I really appreciate this product.
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