Home office with a child
The home office: A work model that many parents wish for in order to reconcile their job and family in a flexible way. Technology has made this possible; many jobs can be done without the need for extra equipment right at home with a laptop, smart phone, and internet connection with your employer's network. At least that's how it works in theory! In reality, working from home can be a challenge for many people - and that's even without children at home! In these times of the coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic when schools and daycare centres are closed for a long time, children have to be cared for by their parents at home, and a new life and work situation appears, working from home can be a real feat of strength!
So how can you work from home with kids in the house?
The older the children are, the easier it should be to unite job and family under one roof - especially when your partner is also working from home part or all of the time, and you as parents can cover each other's backs and create space for one another. With younger children or for single parents, the challenge can be even bigger! But it really doesn't matter how old the children are. The deciding difference from the "normal situation" is the need to reconcile the kids and the job every day, over many weeks - possibly even months - while not losing one's nerve. In this situation, even older children, especially those in the preschool and primary school ages, will challenge their parents with their inexhaustible thirst for knowledge and action which would normally be satisfied at school together with teachers, caregivers, and social interactions with friends. That's why it's now crucial to have solid structure and good agreements within the family in order to tackle this challenge together!